این کتاب درباره مهندسی حفاری یک رشته چالش برانگیز و پیچیده نفت است. در زمینه فن آوری در دو ده گذشته این پیشرفت ها اجازه می دهد صنعت نفت در سراسر جهان از لحاظ اقتصادی و موفقیت بهره برداری حوزه نفت و گاز بهتر عمل شود.
دکتر آذر استاد ممتاز دانشگاه تولسا وباز نشسته مهندسی نفت است.او در دانشگاه در سال 1965 به عنوان استادیار در رشته مکانیک /مهندسی هوا فضا و در سال 1975 به پیشنهاد رشته مهندسی نفت و به عنوان استاد کامل مدیر دانشگاه تولسا انتخاب شد و در سال 1996 به عنوان ریئس گروه مهندسی نفت نایل گردد، در سال 2002 دکتر آذر رسما از دانشگاه بازنشسته شدبه دنبال فعالیت های خود در آموزش و مشاوره خدمت کرد. استاد آذر یک مدرس دانشگاه مشهور جهان و محقق در رشته مهندسی حفاری است .او در تمام شرکت های بزرگ نفتی و گازی در سراسر جهان کار کرده است دارای 4 کتاب درسی و بیش از 60 مقاله علمی و همچنین بیش از 100 سخنرانی در جلسات فنی و حرفه ای داشته است. او به پیشنهاد یکی از دانشگاه های دوحه قطر در سال 2004 دعوت شد و در آنجا سخنرانی کرد او به عنوان یک عضو مشورتی هیات تحریری دریایی می باشد بخشی از کتاب ایشان در زمینه حفاری دریایی می باشد.
دکتر Robrello مشاور ارشد فنی حفاری او دارای بیش از 18 سال تجربه در زمینه نفت و گاز یکی از مهارت های او برنامه ریزی ، طراحی ، برآورد هزینه ، نظارت حفاری و تکمیل عملیات، پرسنل و بررسی فنی ، نوآوری ایشان همچنین استاد دانشگاه و مدیر عامل شرکت هالی برتون و بالا تفگ حفاری در سال 1983تا 1992 به عنوان مهندس حفاری در یک شرکت نفت و گاز طبیعی مشغول به کار بوده است
This book Drilling Engineering,J.J.Azar & G.Robello Samuel,Pennwell,2007
Drilling engineering is a challenging discipline in the oil patch. It goes beyond what is found in textbooks
The technological advances in the past two decades have been very significant. These advances have
allowed the oil industry worldwide to economically and successfully exploit oil and gas fields that may have not been possible before
Dr. J. J. Azar , PhD, PE, SPE, NAE, is a professor emeritus of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa. He joined the university in 1965 as an assistant professor in Mechanical/ Aerospace Engineering, and was promoted to associate professor in 1969. In 1975, he joined the Petroleum EngineeringDepartment as full professor and Director of the University of Tulsa Drilling Research Projects, a joint oil and gas industry research program. In 1996, he stepped down from the directorship to devote full time to teaching and writing. He served as acting chairman of the Petroleum Engineering Department in 2001. Dr.Azar officially retired from the University May 31, 2002, to pursue his own activities in teaching and consulting. Professor Azar is a world-renowned lecturer and researcher in drilling engineering. As a director of drilling research, he is credited with building one of the most comprehensive and top drilling engineering curricula in the Department of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Tulsa, worldwide. He has led his graduate students to pioneering research work in areas of cuttings transport in directional well drilling, drilling fluids hydraulics, drill bit, and drill string dynamics. He is closely associated and worked with all major oil and gas companies across the globe. His contributions to the advancement of drilling technology through teaching, research, and publications are notable. He is the author and/or coauthor of four textbooks and more than 60 publications in refereed technical journals. He has given more than 100 presentations at technical meetings and professional functions. He has been invited as keynote speaker at
several technical conferences. Professor Azar was a participant speaker at the Advances in Drilling Technologies” workshop organized by the U.S. National Research Council and the National Academy of Sciences. In 2004, he was invited by the University of Chicago to be session leader and group facilitator on Materials science conference held in Doha, Qatar. He has served as a member of the SPE Education and Professionalism Technical Committee, SPE Student Chapter adviser, SPE Career Guidance and Student Development Committee, Technical reviewer, Committee Chairman/Member on the “SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty,” Committee Chairman/Member on the “AIME Mineral Industry Education Award” and Member of Editorial Advisory Board of Offshore
Dr. Azar received the 1998 SPE Drilling Engineering Award and the 1997 SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty. He was elected as SPE Distinguished Member for the year 2004. He was inducted into the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in Washington, D.C, in 2004. He is a registered professional engineer and a member of SPE. His areas of interest in teaching and research include: well bore fluids hydraulics, wellbore mechanics,drill bit mechanics, drill string mechanics, and well control mechanics in application to vertical, directional, horizontal, multilateral, coiled tubing, under-balanced, and slim hole drilling
Dr. G. Robello Samuel is a Senior Technical Advisor (Drilling) in the Drilling, Evaluation, and Digital Solutions division of Halliburton, where he has been since 1998. He has more than 18 years of experience in domestic and international oil/gas drilling and completion operations, management, consulting and teaching. His skills include well planning, design, cost estimates, supervision of drilling and completion operations, personnel and technical review, project management, and creative establishment of project relationships through partnering and
Innovation. Presently he is a technical and engineering lead for well planning engineering application suite for drilling, completions, and well services operations. Also he is an adjunct professor at the University of
Houston teaching advanced drilling and complex well architecture courses
He has authored or coauthored more than 50 conference and journal papers. He has given several graduate seminars at various universities. Dr. Samuel has been the recipient of numerous awards including the “CEO for A Day (Halliburton)” and “Top Gun (Drilling)” awards. He has also worked at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, India from 1983 to 1992 as a drilling engineer. He is
Presently serving as a Review Chairman on the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Drilling and Completions Editorial Review Committee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Energy Resources Technology and as co-chairman of SPE Multilateral Technical Interest Group. His other professional experience includes being on the 2006–2008 drilling committee of SPE.
He holds BS and MS (Mechanical Engineering) degrees from University of Madurai, Madurai and College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University (Chennai), MS and PhD (Petroleum Engineering) degrees from the University of Tulsa. He is a member of ASME and SPE
His areas of research include wellbore fluids hydraulics, tubular design, thermal and flow phenomena and their effect on loading of wellbore tubulars, drilling and well cost optimization and downhole tool hydrodynamics
Dr. G. Robello Samuel is a Senior Technical Advisor (Drilling) in the Drilling, Evaluation, and Digital Solutions division of Halliburton, where he has been since 1998. He has more than 18 years of experience in domestic and international oil/gas drilling and completion operations, management, consulting and teaching. His skills include well planning, design, cost estimates, supervision of drilling and completion operations, personnel and technical review, project management, and creative establishment of project relationships through partnering and
Innovation. Presently he is a technical and engineering lead for well planning engineering application suite for drilling, completions, and well services operations. Also he is an adjunct professor at the University of Houston teaching advanced drilling and complex well architecture courses He has authored or coauthored more than 50 conference and journal papers. He has given several graduate seminars at various universities. Dr. Samuel has been the recipient of numerous awards including the “CEO for A Day (Halliburton)” and “Top Gun (Drilling)” awards. He has also worked at Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, India from 1983 to 1992 as a drilling engineer. He is Presently serving as a Review Chairman on the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Drilling and Completions Editorial Review Committee, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Energy Resources Technology and as co-chairman of SPE Multilateral Technical Interest Group. His other professional experience includes being on the 2006–2008 drilling committee of SPE.He holds BS and MS (Mechanical Engineering) degrees from University of Madurai, Madurai and College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University (Chennai), MS and PhD (Petroleum Engineering) degrees from the University of Tulsa. He is a member of ASME and SPEHis areas of research include wellbore fluids hydraulics, tubular design, thermal and flow phenomena and their effect on loading of wellbore tubulars, drilling and well cost optimization and downhole tool hydrodynamics
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Chapter 1 Rotary Drilling for Oil and Natural Gas
The Process of Rotary Drilling
Rotary Drilling Rigs
Rig Selection
Rotary Drilling Systems
Mud System Evaluation
Rotary System
Well Control System
Data Acquisition and Monitoring System
Special Systems for Offshore Drilling
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 2 Drilling Fluids
Characteristics of a Drilling Fluid
Drilling-Fluid Selection
Classification of Drilling Fluids
Water-Based Drilling-Mud Contaminants
Drilling-Mud Properties, Field Tests, and Control
Alkalinity (Mf, Pf, Pm, Mm, P1, P2)
Mud Rheology
Drilling-Mud Additives
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 3 Fluid Flow and Associated Pressures in the Rotary Rig Circulating System
Mechanical Energy and Pressure Balance
Pressure Drop across the Bit Nozzles (Jets)
Friction Pressure Losses in the Rotary Rig Circulating System
Friction Pressure Losses in Pipes and Annuli—Laminar Flow
Friction Pressure Losses in Pipes and Annuli—Turbulent Flow
Equivalent Newtonian Viscosity
Turbulent Pipe Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Turbulent Annular Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids
Annular Friction Pressure Losses Due to Pipe Movement
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 4 Drill Bit Hydraulics
Pump Pressure Requirement in Rotary Drilling
Hydraulic Power Requirement
Flow Exponent (α)
Maximum Drill Bit Hydraulic Horsepower Criterion
Maximum Jet Impact Force Criterion
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 5 Transport of Drilled Cuttings
Factors that Affect the Transport of Drilled Cuttings
Cuttings Transport in Vertical Well Drilling
Cuttings Transport in Directional Well Drilling
Empirical Correlations for Cuttings Transport in High-Angle Wells (θ > 50°)
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 6 Prevention and Control Mechanics of Well Blowouts
Kick Causes
Kick Detection
Kick Prevention
Fundamentals of Well Control
Well Control System
Principles of Well Control
Commonly Used Well Control Methods
Non conventional Kick Situations
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 7 Directional and Horizontal Well Drilling
Directional Well Drilling
Horizontal Well Drilling
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 8 Drill Bit Mechanics
Bit Selection
Types of Drill Bits
Classification of Roller Cone Drill Bits
Drill Bit Operating Parameters
Grading of Dull Drill Bits
Classification of Drag Drill Bits
Rock Mechanics
Performance Mechanics of Drag Drill Bits
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 9 Drill String Design
Definition and Components
Design Criteria
Buckling of the Drill String
Drill String Fatigue
Dril String Vibration
BHA Design for Directional Drilling
Deviation Tools
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 10 Drilling Problems and Solutions
Pipe Sticking
Loss of Circulation
Hole Deviation
Drill Pipe Failures
Borehole Instability
Mud Contamination
Producing-Formation Damage
Hole Cleaning
Hydrogen Sulfide–Bearing Zones and Shallow Gas
Equipment- and Personnel-Related Problems
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 11Casing and Cementing Design
Drilling the Pay Zone: Selecting the Interval and the Initial Design
Initial Completion Design
Casing Design
Supplementary Problems
Chapter 12 Well Planning in Drilling Engineering
Information Needed for Effective Well Planning
Responsibilities of the Drilling Engineer
Considerations in Well Planning
The Drilling Program
Post-Well Analysis
Well Cost Estimation
Learning Curve
Cost Control in Well Drilling
Time Value of Money
Price Elasticity
Supplementary Problems