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Ecological Research at the offshore wind farm alpha ventus, Anika Beiersdorf, Springer,2014
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Chapter1. Introduction
Chapter2. The spatial offshore grid plan for the German exclusive economic zone
Chapter3. The alpha ventus offshore test site
Chapter4. The RAVE research initiative: A successful collaborative research, development & demonstration programme
Chapter5. Accompanying ecological research at alpha Ventus: the stukplus research project
Chapter6. Conservation features: sensitive species & habitats in the German exclusive economic zone
Chapter7. Challenges, results & perspectives: an interview with Christian Dahlke
II Main section
Chapter8. Oceanographic & geological research at alpha Ventus: Instruments for predicting environmental conditions & interactions
Chapter9. Rapid increase of benthic structural & functional diversity at the alpha ventus offshore test site.
Chapter11. Effects of the alpha ventus offshore test site on distribution patterns, behaviour & flight heights of seabirds
Chapter12. Of birds, blades & barriers: Detecting & analyzing mass migration
Chapter13. Marine mammals & wind farms: Effects of alpha ventus on harbour porpoises
Chapter14. Marine habital modeling for harbour porpoises in the German bight
Chapter15. Underwater construction & operational noise at alpha ventus
Chapter16. Noise mitigation systems & low-noise installation technologies
Chapter17. Cumulative impacts of offshore windfarms