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I am Bijan Mohammadi, Education: MS.c Civil Engineering- Marine Structures Engineering
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این تلگرام جهت اطلاع رسانی از مطالب وبلاگ برای گروه می باشد/This the Telegram for information of the blog for groups/Este telegrama la información del blog para grupos
Steel-Reinforced concrete structures Assessment & repair corrosion, Mohamed A. EI-Reedy, CRC Press,2008 This file is password Password: CE-MS MS.c Bijan Mohammadi All text & change the color to use to download it دانلود/Download کلمه عبور/Password Contents Chapter1. Introduction Chapter2. Corrosion of Steel in Concrete Chapter3. Causes of Corrosion and Concrete Deterioration Chapter4. Assessment Methods for Reinforced Concrete Structures Chapter5. Codes and Specifcation Guides Chapter6. Controlling Corrosion in Steel Bars Chapter7. Methods for Protecting Steel Reinforcements Chapter8. Repair of Reinforced Concrete Structures Chapter9. Risk-Based Maintenance Strategy
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حواس به پرنده تو فصل زمستان باشه /Winterbirdsensestobe