دنیای مهندسی سازه های دریایی
دنیای مهندسی سازه های دریایی

دنیای مهندسی سازه های دریایی

Offshore Structures

364-Handbook of Engineering Acoustics ,Gerhard Müller Michael Moser,Springer,2013

364-Handbook of Engineering Acoustics ,Gerhard Müller Michael Moser,Springer,2013

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Password: CE-MS MS.c Bijan Mohammadi

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2.Acoustic Measurements

3.Numerical Acoustics

4.The effects of sound on humans

5.Noise emission assessment

6.Sound propagation outdoors

7.Sound Insulation in Buildings

8.Sound Absorbers

9.Structure-Borne Sound, Insulation and Damping

10.Room Acoustics


12.Active Control of Sound and Vibrations

13.Sound Reinforcement

14.Sources of Sound

15.Road Traffic Noise

16.Noise and Vibration from Railroad Traffic

17.Aircraft Noise

18.Construction Noise

19.Urban Noise Protection

20.Flow Noise

