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Oil & Gas abbreviations
Abandonment: End of production, plug and abandon wells, dismantle and remove all material and equipment
Acidising: Treatment of reservoir with hydrochloric or hydrochloric acid to improve performance
AFC: Approved for construction
AFD: Approved for Design
AFE: Approved for Expenditure
AHV: Anchor Handling Vessel
Alkane: Any of a series of open-chain hydrocarbons having the general formula CnH2n+2, the most abundant of which is methane and butane
Alkane: Any of a series of aliphatic hydrocarbon with the general formula C2H2n such as ethylene, also known as olefins
Alluvial fan: Pattern of sedimentary deposit frequently laid down by streams or rivers which spread out into plains
Annulus: Space between two concentric objects such as between the wellbore and casing
Anoxic: Greatly deficient in oxygen
Anticline: An arch of stratified rock in which the layers bend downward in opposite directions from the crest
API: American Petroleum Institute
* API gravity: A measure of how heavy or light a petroleum liquid is compared to water. API gravity=141.5/(Specific Gravity)-131.5
Aromatics: Relating to an organic compound containing at least one benzene ring (C6 ring) or similar ring-shaped component. Notable for their distinctive, usually fragrant smell
Artificial lift: A process used on oil wells to increase pressure within the reservoir and encourage oil to the surface
Asphalt: Soild petroleum residue, similar to bitumen, tar and pitch
Associated gas: Gas produced as a byproduct of the production of crude oil
Bar: unit of pressure
Bara: bar,absolute pressure
Barg: bar,gauge pressue
Barrel:42 US Gallons
Bbl: Barrel
bbi/d: barrel of oil per day
bbi/MMscf: barrels per million standard cubic feet
bcf:billion cubic feet (109)
BH: Bottom Hole
BHA: Bottom Hole Assembly
BHP: Bottom Hole Pressure
Bit: the cutting/ boring element used in drilling wells, consisting of a cutting and a circulating element
Bitumen: Form of heavy, Soil petroleum. See Asphalt
Block: Subdivided areas for the purpose of licensing to a company for exploration or production rights
Blow down: Process of releasing pressure. Producing a gas cap after oil production has concluded
Blowout: Uncontrolled release of fluids from the well bore
Blowout preventer: See BOP
BOD: Basis of Design
BOE: Barrels of oil equivalent
BOP: Blowout preventer, arrangement of valves and rams installed at wellhead to prevent sudden escape of fluids from reservoir
Bopd: Barrels of oil per day
Borehole: refers to the face of the rock outside or below the casing
Bottom-hole: Deepest part of a well
Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA): the lower part of the drill string. includes drill collars, stabilizers and other drilling components
Bottom-Hole Pressure (BHP): The pressure at the bottom of a well